Film photography isn’t over yet.

Awesome photo.

In the 2000s, digital cameras made their appearance and we tend to believe that this marked the end of film photography. But that’s not entirely true: the film photography is back in vogue and back in the spotlight. Maybe it’s for the nostalgic side for the older generation, or the retro side for the younger ones. Whatever the case, it’s easy to find publications of film photos on social networks. One thing’s for sure: with digital photography, it’s hard to reproduce a single image taken with a film camera. There are lightroom presets or fujilm film simulations, but nothing can completely reproduce it. Convinced and fascinated by a photo you’ve seen by chance, you too may want to get started, but you don’t know where to begin. But you don’t know where to start.

You know what? I’ve got the solution for you ArgentiK Factory, a service launched by two enthusiasts including myself, offering film photography discovery workshops. We can lend you cameras if you don’t already have one, and then set off on a one-day adventure together to discover this magnificent universe. In the morning, you’ll be accompanied by two experienced photographers eager to share their knowledge, and in the afternoon we’ll lock ourselves in a darkroom to develop the photos. A unique moment of sharing, you’ll learn how to develop your photos, from shooting, to the darkroom, to digitizing, and even enlarging your favorite photo. The price of the workshop is 2850 sek per person, but we’re currently launching a special introductory offer at 1500 sek, so it’s well worth it.

If you’re eager to learn and want to be able to do your own developing afterwards, don’t hesitate to take part in one of our workshops. We also offer a 24-hour processing service, so you can bring your film with you or send it to us by post.

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