My first shooting with Silvija.

I recently had the opportunity and the chance to have my first session with Silvija and it was very nice. I hope there will be many more sessions with her. She is a very experienced and very nice model.

When I entered the studio and greeted her, I immediately felt a good feeling. She was smiling and had very good vibes. She seemed a little distant, the first few minutes, but just enough, neither too much nor too little. She went out to smoke a cigarette, while I was preparing my equipment. I cleaned my lens a little to avoid having stains. I chose the lens I was going to use for this session, I decided that I was going to use the same one throughout the shooting, the 50mm f/1.8. I chose the background then we prepared and tested the lights.

When Silvija came back to the studio, she asked me what I wanted her to wear. I was a little nervous to be honest, because I hadn’t prepared the shoot at all and I didn’t know her yet. In principle, before a session, I take a look on pinterest, youpic and instagram. I select a few photos that I like and I try to find a theme for the shoot. I had to adapt, I choose an outfit, it was lingerie in a color that I really like. Then we could start shooting, so let’s go.

I took my camera, adjust my settings a bit and started taking pictures. Not being prepared, at first, I did not give her any indication. Fortunately, Silvija being an experienced model immediately knew how to put me at ease. She knew exactly what expression and pose to take. But above all, she had something unique that I personally adored. She had movements of her own, I had the impression of seeing a dancer, I thought that was very pretty. She was able to strike some really special poses that went perfectly with her gorgeous body and very sensual and artistic photos began to appear. Everything was perfect, her looks, expressions and her poses. I was very happy, I saw very beautiful pictures and I was already excited to work on the photos.

My brain started to heat up and I started to create a scenario in my head. The background looked a bit vintage, I saw a wooden crate in the studio and thought we could use it and it would go well with the background. I asked her to sit on it. She had changed her outfit. She wore a blazer and she wore a hat. Exactly, the scene I had in mind, I took some test shots. Then I asked her if she could light a cigarette. This was the scenario I had created in my head. I thought it went perfectly with the somewhat vintage side, the wooden case and its outfit. The result was up to my expectations. I loved his photos and the mood that emanated from them. With hindsight, I would simply have liked to add an accessory, a metal flask.

We took a few more pictures in this outfit. Then we moved on to nude photos. We changed the background to black and the lights. A slightly more intimate atmosphere. I felt like I was watching a dance performance. Her gestures were very fluid and pretty to watch. I was also able to take some pretty shots.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a model and or actress. I highly recommend Silvija. She is very professional and experienced.

I look forward to a shoot that I will have in April with Novaflash around the theme of video games and cosplay. This time, I already have a good idea of ​​what I want to do. But if you have any ideas or things you would like to see, feel free to suggest.

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